Monday, July 13, 2009

The world is catching up

I always hated when people would say "oh like field of dreams" disdainfully as if I had no more to go on but a supernatural superficial feeling that the Ross Creek Centre would work, while in a way, that is of course exactly what I did have - albeit also with a lot of research and years of thinking about it.

When dealing with banks and funders, sometimes this disdain would be even clearer - "you didn't have that many campers or audience members last year, why do you think you will now?" It's hard to explain that it is because we hadn't yet reached our potential - still of course have not, but each year we feel like we have turned another corner. I am still needed, but each year I am able to step back a bit more and let other people do their most excellent work and have it work out better than if I had been trying to be there every step of the way.

Last night we opened Rockbound and it is artistically so exciting, so fully realised. We were able to host a beautiful reception at the same time as a few acres away, we have our largest overnight camp ever, and I could be comfortable in the knowledge that everything was getting done, every one was doing their jobs very well and I could be where I was supposed to be.

Of course I still run like crazy: we need more staff and I have lots more work to do - fundraising, making the dining hall, etc. but for a moment last night I did feel a bit like Costner in Field of Dreams. I looked out over the centre's fields and at the hundreds of people there to experience art either as spectators or participants and thought how lucky I am that enough people thought I wasn't crazy to give me room and support to build this bizarre and lovely thing.

As it continues to develop I can't wait to see where it will go, while maintaining its really special feel. It has to live beyond me and Ken, but for right now, I am so filled up with being part of it, and seeing more of what I really have dreamed about for 20 years come to life...

Speaking of other people doing things to make my life easier as well as more enjoyable, our volunteers of the year for last year are: Youth: Caitlin Peace-Williams and Adult Volunteer was a shared honour this year: Daniel Vethamony and Mike Holmes...Thanks to all.


  1. Sounds like the weekend was a success! I'm thinking about you all (because I miss you so very much!) Love Oakey

  2. It is truly exciting and inspiring to be at Ross Creek, seeing it grow and flourish! The ideas and projects being developed at the Centre is exactly-the-right-amount ambitious and its amazing how much can be accomplished with such far-reaching effects with a little imagination and elbow grease.

    Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it all, Chris!

